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    • კატეგორიები არ არის





    ‘Space Logic’ is an international non-governmental organization established by Pembe Birinci, Ana Abashidze and Federico Violato in 2013.

    After graduating from MaHKU University of arts Utrecht(2012), they have united around the common idea to create an organization to have the opportunity to extend one-year master’s projects. The organization was formed around the junction idea of urban strategies and their spatial and social consequences.

    The necessity to create ‘Space Logic’ arose with the realization of the urgent need of spatial interventions where diplomacy and politics fails. The loss of the public space in post-Soviet Tbilisi, 40 years of urban partition of the divided capital of Nicosia and the common issue of the Italian cities; the ‘waste’ was some of the triggering factors to be touched. Accordingly, they indicated the role of architecture and design on these issues and develop socially oriented projects in order to create public awareness and to contribute the public welfare in the frame of analytical spatial solutions.

    The name itself indicates that for the members of organization space needs a logical solution, taking into account various important factors. These factors are mainly based on economic, social or historical research and subsequent decisions. Which should lead to a much larger change.

    Pembe Birici

    It is an indisputable fact that due to its geopolitical strategic importance, Cyprus has
    witnessed conquests and occupations
    throughout its history. The island is located
    in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, north of
    Egypt, northwest of Israel, west of Syria
    and Lebanon, south of Turkey and east of
    Greece. It is situated on an axis of movement, both north-south and east-west. It
    stands at the crossroads of three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa. Due to its
    location, it has been desired by various external powers and it has been an arena of
    antagonism between Eastern and Western

    Federico Violato

    Every day we make thousand of choices about the food, and these choices have important consequences in terms of resources consumption, pollution in the atmosphere, in the soil, in the surface and inner waters and how waste products.

    Problems related to waste production in recent years have become more and more
    important in relation to the improvement of economic conditions, the fast progress of industrial development, and the increase of
    population and urban areas.

    The production of waste has increased as a sign of economic growth and rising of consumption. The diversification of production processes has also increased the number of types of waste, generating more and more heavy
    impacts on the environment and health. Today we live in a society that produces more waste than food, and to find new solutions for managing them, is absolutely a hot topic right now. In these pages I will try to give a more
    complete description about what we consider as food, and what we consider waste.

    Ana Abashidze

    Reconstruction of the Post-Soviet neighborhoods is a core issue of the project. The mass housing created during communism was built across the post-Soviet countries, identically in Tbilisi, Georgia, covering a majority of the city area.
    The space represents a very complex morphology formulated by totally different political regimes. The Soviet space has had much bigger role in a history, demonstrating the Soviet ideology. Now it has become the area where
    space still reflects the past, although being totally covered by Post Soviet reconstructions.
    The space represents a chaotic and paradoxical area, as it combines radically controverting ideologies and events from which space is the outcome itself. How can a complex irrational Post – Soviet act be understood and used for future intervention? Where these two – Soviet and post-Soviet – spaces
    should find a common area for communication? These questions have become the main hint to understand the post-Soviet space in a
    new way and find the decisions to bring the
    city on a totally new level that will lead the urban to a social and economic development.